Javascript method chaining is basically a chain of method calls that instead of call multiple times, just get called once and “chained” to one single object instance – the singleton pattern here. Below are some working samples I created after reading a good reference at; to try it out, just copy the codes below and paste it to a notepad and then render in any browser.
<html> <body> <div id="d1"> <h3>Method chaining example</h3> <a href="javascript:getArea();">Get Area</a> <br /> <a href="javascript:getPerimeter();">Get Perimeter</a> </div> </body> </html> <script type="text/javascript"> var rec=new Rectangule(); function getArea() { //alert(rec.Area(3,4)); //this is without chaining alert(rec.SetParam(3,4).Area()); //chaining } function getPerimeter() { //alert(rec.Perimeter(3,4)); //method chaining alert(rec.SetParam(3,4).Perimeter()); } function Rectangule() { var a=0,b=0; this.SetParam=function(a1,b1){ a=a1;b=b1; return this; //this is what makes chaining possible. } this.Area=function(){ return a*b; } this.Perimeter=function(){ return 2*(a+b); } } </script>