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Installed WordPresss to Local IIS7

Monday, February 13th, 2012

Before my memory evaporates again, let’s write down the steps on how this was done:

  1. Downloaded and Installed MySql database engine, then the Workbench (acts like SQL Server Management Studio). No need to write down the version; you will always to go their site to get the latest.
  2. I already installed PHP engine the other day so no need to redo it; this time around, just go to WordPress site http://www.wordpress.org and grabbed the latest .zip file, expanded to D:\Download\Wordpress
  3. Went to IIS7 Manager and added a new site, called “wordpress” and set the physical path to d:\download\wordpress, let the site use default ApplicationPool Identity, wordpress; and set binding to port 8089 and host name “blog.yang.com”.
  4. Before I could browse to http://blog.yang.com:8089, I needed to update the local host file; to do so, browsed to c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts. The file was not editable by default; so I opened the file property and gave myself  full control permission, changed the entry there from blog.yangsoft.com to blog.yang.com; if the entry is not there, just add one.
  5. Before I could run wp install, I needed to create a database on local mysql server. I launched MySQL WorkBench 5.2 CE ->Server Administration ->File -> New Model. Once I clicked on New Model from File menu, it automatically created a MyDB, clicked on Edit schema and changed name to myblog, selecting collation to be UTF8-UTF8_General_CI.
  6. Added a mysql user account and gave it full db rights.
  7. It is almost there. Now I went to d:\download\wordpress and opened wp-config-sample.php, replaced DB related settings to point to localhost, db name “myblog” and the newly created username. Now I was ready to run WP install, the famous 5 minutes no-brainer!
  8. Went to IIS7, browsed to wordpress/wp-admin/install.php, and it was truly amazing it did only take about 5 minutes to get the site up and running!